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-Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery -Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -Hand Surgery
+90532 611 4878
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Forehead, neck, eyebrows and eyelids are also considered in a comprehensive facelift surgery.
Main goal is to repair the loose ligaments of the face, rather than cutting out the excess skin.
If you think you have a volume loss on your face,
If there is deepening or volume loss around the mouth, lips and cheek folds,
If there is sagging under the chin or in the neck,
If there is downward sagging in the middle face area
you can run for face lift.

Smoking should be ceased preferably 6 weeks before the operation . Aspirine, cortisone, vitamins and similar food supplements can increase bleeding. Their use should be discontinued before surgery.
Jonathan Freeman, an assistant professor at NYU’s Department of Psychology said the experiments they carried out gave further credence to the power of our hard-wiring to think that higher inner eyebrows and pronounced cheekbones are seen as trustworthy and lower inner eyebrows and shallower cheekbones are seen as untrustworthy. Freeman's study was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
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