-Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery -Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -Hand Surgery
+90532 611 4878
+90312 468 8429
Liposuction literally corresponds to "lipo = fat", "suction = suck", that is, the extraction of fats/adiposse tissues by the use of negative pressure.
With the modern liposuction techniques, previous problems have been overcome and the process has become much easier, risk free and satisfying.

Liposuction is one of the most common and safest aesthetic interventions.

With the use of thin cannulas ( 3-4 mm) wavy or distorted appearance can be prevented. Superficial liposuction has become possible with thin and Y-shaped cannulas. Thanks to this, cellulite (orange peel appearance) can be improved effectively.
Lipsuction can be applied to almost any body region. Hips, abdomen, flanks and thighs are the most common areas. But legs, knee , arms, breasts, back, face, neck, ankles, ... briefly every area with fat may be targeted.
It is clear that the number of fat cells will decrease in areas where fat is extracted with liposuction. However, main concern will be "shaping the body", instead of trying th male body slimmer. To put it in another way, liposuction is not a weight loss operation. Preferably, obese patients should diet, exercise or undergo bariatric surgery to reach their ideal or near-ideal weight and stay stable at this weight for 3-6 months, before they consult with a plastic surgery clinic.
Fat injections to several areas (facial, gluteal, hand dorsum, etc.) area have been gained popularity in recent years. Fat may be processed to derive stem cells or nano-fat grafts. Today, majority of the patients undergoing liposuction, also require fat injections, nano-fat grafting or stem cell application.