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Vibration provides selective breakdown of fat cells, so as not to damage surrounding  vital tissues such as veins and nerves. Thus , complaints such as pain, bleeding, swelling and bruising are minimized. LIPOMATIC significantly reduces bruising and pain .


High energy exposure is avoided, so fat cells and stem cells in between them are extracted gently from the surrounding tissue  to remain undamaged and viable. The cells obtained can be used for rejuvenation of the face, hand and décolleté areas, or may be transferred to breast, face, buttock for permenant volume enhancement and contour refinement.

Nutaional vibration movement allows the cannula to move gently through the tissue achieve faster, more precise  and permanent results.



Low-frequency (less than 20 hz) infrasonic waves create an anesthetic effect in the tissue to minimize pain both during and after the operation.


Sound waves under 20 Hertz cannot be heard by our ear and are called İnfrasonic. The use of infrasonic vibration in the treatment of acute and chronic pain patients is not new. Infrasonic waves have been used for many years in joint stiffness and pain, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, fatigue and sleep disturbance. Infrasonic vibration also to reduces pain during injection, skin and subcutaneous applications.


LIPOMATIC  can be performed with local and sedation anesthesia as pain is significantly reduced during and after the liposuction. It is also called " Similing Liposuction " or " Tickle Lipo (Tickling Liposuction) " for the reasons mentioned above.


Advantages of LIPOMATIC


Firmer skin

Short surgery time

Fast return to daily routine

Minimal Bruising and Swelling

Local or Sedation anesthesia options

High success rates in difficult boy regions 

Cellulite and Excessive sweating treatment

Stem cell, Nano-Fat and Fat transfer applications


By creating a 3-dimensional vibration,

With Infrasonic Waves

Fast, Pain-Free and Bloodless

CE and FDA approved system for liposuction.


Infrasonic nutational movement stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, thereby tightening the skin.  Mechanical and infrasonic properties of Lipomatic are suggested to cause this effect.

This effect is different from the effect provided by  high energy emitting technologies (i.e. ultrasound, radiofrequency or laser) within the body. Tissue damage, necrosis, burn or seroma formation seen in these techniques are out of question for Lipomatic.

On the other hand, can not be achieved with classical liposuction which can be quite problematous after high volume suctions and in patients with skin laxity.

LIPOMATIC indications


In all classic liposuction targets

Abdomen, waist, thigh inside and outside, knee, leg, ankle, back, hip, arms,…


In special lipoplasties



Breast Reduction

Face and Neck

Armpit area (for excessive sweating)


 Correction and  treatment in patients who have had liposuction before .

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